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MAR 2, 2023

For the Love of Art

Third year Emirati student and winner of the Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award explains what fuels her passion in painting.

JUNE 20, 2022

‘A burgeoning movement of female Emirati artists’

Together, Roudha Al Mazrouei, Khawla Darwish, and Farah Al Qasimi form just a tiny cross-section of the burgeoning movement that is Emirati women in the arts, writes Vamika Sinha.

JUNE 2, 2022

NYU Abu Dhabi Students Win The Christo and Jeanne-Claude Award 2022

The winning installation is inspired by the overarching idea of interconnectedness and is an attempt by the artists to bring art closer to more people.

NOV 2, 2021


Roudha's second appearance on national television a year later, talks about art during her childhood, realism and surrealism on صباح الشارقة

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NOV 21, 2020


Roudha's debut on national television, talks about art and her practice on صباح الشارقة

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DEC 13, 2022

The World Through her Lens

“Expressing myself through my Emirati culture, many of my paintings depict patriotic themes and the Emirati experience through a female lens,” says Roudhah.

JUNE 3, 2022

«النسيج الحضري» يحوز «كريستو وجان كلود 2022»

تحت رعاية سمو الشيخة شمسة بنت حمدان بن محمد آل نهيان، كشفت جامعة نيويورك أبوظبي عن أسماء الفائزين بالنسخة العاشرة من جائزة كريستو وجان كلود 2022، التي أقيمت بالتعاون مع مجموعة أبوظبي للثقافة والفنون.

MARCH 27, 2022

«أضواء شبابية».. بألوان إماراتية واعدة في «إكسبو دبي»​

لفتت الرسامة الإماراتية اليافعة روضة المزروعي أنظار زوار «إكسبو 2020 دبي»، من خلال رسم حيّ في «جناح الشباب»، الذين لم يتوانوا عن دعمها والثناء عليها بعبارات تشجيعية كان لها بالغ الأثر على أدائها.

AUG 25, 2021

العرض الفني «المرأة الإماراتية»

متحف الفن الخليجي يحتفل بيوم المرأة الإماراتية في عرض فني استثنائي بمشاركة ٦ فنانات إماراتيات 

OCT 04, 2020

NYUAD Virtual Studio

Art is a form of expression during the pandemic, Roudha voices her perspective on THEGAZELLE.ORG

NOV 3, 2022

Gallery Show

Roudhah talks about her upbringing and how she found her passion and creativity to incorporate it into her future and artistic career.

JUNE 2, 2022

Winners of The Christo and Jeanne-Claude Award 2022 announced

A trio of NYU Abu Dhabi students have been awarded this year’s Christo and Jeanne-Claude Award for their innovative work.

NOV 17, 2021


Student-designed award-winning entrance pavilion for Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2021. Designed by Jason Cruz, Jennifer Tsai, Roudhah Hamad Al Mazrouei, Goffredo Puccetti (faculty representative).

AUG 11, 2021

Emirati Womanhood Show

The Khaleeji Art Museum's Emirati Womanhood Show brings together 6 Emirati female artists, their works are displayed on the world’s largest outdoor projection.


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